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DONA Birth Doula Position Paper

DONA Standards of Practice

Dads and Doulas

DONA Code of Ethics

Cheerful Pregnant Woman

Social Media

By Design Birth Doula

By Design Birth Doula

A birth doula sharing great tips about labor, birth, and postpartum.

Mama Bear Doula of Main

Mama Bear Doula of Maine

A birth doula sharing great tips about empowering your birth experience.

Beth Connors CNM

Beth Connors, CNM

A certified nurse midwife sharing valuable insights about birth.

Dr. Natalie

Dr. Natalie Elphinstone

An OB(GYN) in Australia sharing (with permission) real and awe-inspiring birth stories and photos.

Dr. Sterling

Dr. Sterling, OB(GYN)

A board certified OB(GYN) sharing insights into the medical model of prenatal care and birth.

Austin Birth Photography

Austin Birth Photos

A birth photographer and doula sharing (with permission) stunning photos of the power of birth.


Ina May Gaskin Guide to Childbirth
Penny Simkin Birth Partner
Thinking Woman's Guide
Nursing Mother's Companion

The above are affiliate links. If you use these links to make a purchase I may earn a commission. This has not influenced my choice of resources.


Evidence Based Birth, EBB

Evidence Based Birth

A wonderful resource for finding research on a myriad of pregnancy and birth-related topics.

Blossoming Bellies

Run by an amazing birth educator and doula, Brittany Sharpe McCollum. She provides a wealth of resources on topics like movement in labor and advocating for yourself.

Blossoming Bellies
Spinning Babies

Spinning Babies

Spinning Babies provides tools for preparing for your best birth through movement. Balancing the soft tissues and making space in your body for baby.

ICEA Certified Educator

Doula Deja

Deja Ramos, CD(DONA), ICCE

San Mateo, CA

DONA Certified Birth Doula
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